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All information and reviews on this website are for information purpose only. Reviews, comments and opinions expressed by authors are their personal opinion and holds no responsibility for it. The Reviews provided are from customers of the respective wristband companies and accepts no liability for the content of this site, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Positive reviews play a fraction of the ranking score in the algorithm we use, but negative score can adversely impact your rankings. If you have negative score it's important to try solving the issues with your customer. If you think a negative review is fake try to respond and explain the truth. Negative reviews can be a real bad experience by your customer or it can be fake. It's your duty to submit a rebuttal or reply to the reviews and claim your quality in your Business. A good company will try their best to solve customer issues. If a company has one or two un-addressed negative reviews we will consider that negligible. But if there are many unaddressed negative reviews it will be difficult to get into top wristband company rankings. If we see a company taking major steps to solve customer issues we will take that positively in our wristband ranking score.

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